The Walls Tell No Lies

Throughout the world on walls, doorways, facades, and slabs of rubble, there exists striking works of art.  In conflict zones, past and present, these reflect a sliver of time.  

In the Middle East, Europe, Africa, the "walls tell no lies."  Here images can be found chronicling a contemporary history, a history fragile and tenuous. The work speaks as eloquently as any news report, political essay or academic analysis.

The Studio Resolution project has been created to help share this street art with the world beyond closed borders  and horrific zones of conflict. 

Initially featured on the site are works found in Bethlehem,  Ramallah, The Gaza Strip, Jerusalem and Berlin.   The work is available as posters, prints and note cards.

As much as possible we will make efforts to find the original artists to assist them with their on-going work financially and with art supplies.